Sponsor & Pro-Ams
Effectively managing an event entails much more then simply pushing some sales numbers around in a spreadsheet, gathering handicaps from participants, and praying for good weather during the event. That’s why many professional events have turned to R2IT and their Sponsor and Pro-Am database, also known as “TakePart“, to properly handle all the data involved in managing an event.
With TakePart you won’t be able to control the weather, but you will be properly prepared to handle the myriad of changing information surrounding your event as well as properly report to your Board and other interested parties.
From start to finish, let R2 TakePart and help you manage:
Sponsor and Contact Information
- Products and Package Inventory
- Salespeople and Solicitors
- Potential and Actual Sales
Actual Sales versus Budget Reporting
- Vendor Contracts and Execution
- Signage and Ad Tracking
- Hospitality and Ticket Fulfillment
- Events within the Tournament – Dinners, Pro-Ams, Media Day
- Online Participant Registration
- Professionals and VIP’s
- Hotels and Accommodations including Room Block Coordination
- Transportation and Courtesy Cars
- Pro-Am/Am-Am Pairings and Necessary Output
- Team Organization and Pairings Sheets
- Scorecards with handicap dotting
- Cart Signs
- Alpha and Registration Lists
- Gift Cards
- Bagtag Labels
- Pairings Sheets
- Starters Lists
- Scoring Reports
- Email Blasts and Mail Merges
- Camera-Ready Pairings Sheet Output
- Historical Scoring and Media-Related Output
- Online Backup of All Data